Edward James Olmos on ‘Mayans M.C.’ and How Art Informs Activism

Edward James Olmos on ‘Mayans M.C.’ and How Art Informs Activism

By Simon Abrams – NYTimes.com – Photo: Emily Berl for The New York Times. Photo: Edward James Olmos is returning to television with “Mayans M.C.,” a sequel to “Sons of Anarchy” debuting Tuesday on FX. In the new FX drama “Mayans M.C.,” a sequel to “Sons of...
Seven Groundbreaking Television Shows With Latino Casts

Seven Groundbreaking Television Shows With Latino Casts

By Steve Mosco – LongIslandWeekly.com – Photo: “Chico and the Man” Photo: Freddie Prinze and Jack Albertson as “Chico” and “the Man” Latino representation has grown exponentially over the years from token bit parts to entire series based on...

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