Cheech Marin tours Houston’s Latino art scene

Cheech Marin tours Houston’s Latino art scene

By Molly Glentzer – – Photo: Melissa Richardson Banks. Photo: Cheech Marin, left, with art dealer Nicole Longnecker and Bryan Scrivner at Nicole Longnecker Gallery. Cheech Marin got a few laughs in Houston, Texas, earlier this month,...
New Faces and a Chicano Art Exhibit at Anaheim’s Muzeo

New Faces and a Chicano Art Exhibit at Anaheim’s Muzeo

By Richard Chang – – Image Courtesy Of Muzeo. Image: “If La Virgen Returned,” a 2009 spray paint and acrylic on paper by Pablo Andrés Cristi. “Papel Chicano Dos” represents the second time Cheech Marin’s Chicano art collection —...
Collector’s Eye: an interview with Cheech Marin

Collector’s Eye: an interview with Cheech Marin

By Helen Stoilas – – Photo: Flickr | Cuarandera. By 2021, California will have a new institution dedicated to Chicano art, thanks to the efforts of the Riverside Art Museum and the actor and comedian Cheech Marin, whose 700-work...

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