10 ways to celebrate Dia de los Muertos in Denver, Colorado

10 ways to celebrate Dia de los Muertos in Denver, Colorado

By The Know Staff – TheKnow.DenverPost.com – Photo: Denver Post file. Photo: Maria Xochitl-Chavex of the Huitzlipotchli Azteca Dance Group performed for the Chicano Arts Council at their Dia de los Muertos festival on Friday, Oct. 19, 2012. The Art...
El Pueblo fills many chapters of history

El Pueblo fills many chapters of history

By James Bartolo – Chieftain.com – Photo: Chieftain Photo | Zachary Allen. Photo: The El Pueblo History Museum features a replica of a 1840s era adobe trading post and plaza. Pueblo, Colorado – Since the incorporation of Pueblo as a municipality in...
‘Boulder’ mural on display at PCC

‘Boulder’ mural on display at PCC

By AG Journal – AGJournalOnline.com – Photo Not Credited. Photo: Los Sels de Boulder mural. As part of the exhibit entitled El Movimiento: The Chicano Movement in Colorado and Pueblo, Pedro Romero’s “Los Seis de Boulder” is now on display on the second...