Here is a comment worth posting from Jason Medina

Here is a comment worth posting from Jason Medina

The word “chuco” is a word that evolved from the Indians and the Mexicans that lived in this area. It meant dirty, low class. This is where the criminal element if you will, lived. Mexicans passed through here to get to the U.S. and outlaws who were on the run would...
Here is a comment worth posting from Ty and Maria Garcia

Here is a comment worth posting from Ty and Maria Garcia

Yeyyy!!! Excellent!!! A lowrider car should be displayed in this collection as one of the greater creation of Chicanos. In addition, a Pachuco Suit Zuit should be displayed as we all know that the Pachuco Outfit came out from Mexican Americans… yes, back then, during...
Video: The history of El Paso’s Pachuco culture

Video: The history of El Paso’s Pachuco culture

By – Photo Not Credited. We’ve all heard people call El Paso Chucotown or just Chuco.  If you walked down the streets of El Paso, Texas, in 1942, you probably wouldn’t think much of a man wearing an oversized suit and fedora hat. The style was...